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Red Ryder® Award


In 1997, at the 48th annual Red Ryder® Roundup Rodeo, the

Western Heritage Event Center Board began selecting an individual who has made a positive commitment to the western culture of this community and who has been a strong supporter of the

Red Ryder® Roundup Rodeo.

2024 Red Ryder® Award
Rhonda Ward
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Annual Winners

In 1990, Rhonda and her husband Jason purchased Wolf Creek Outfitters, which they owned and operated for many years while also running cattle on several ranches in Pagosa. Rhonda took on the role of chief scheduler of this organized chaos. She was also dedicated to raising their two sons and actively volunteering on the PTA, Archuleta County Housing Authority, and Western Heritage Event Center (WHEC) Board of Directors.

WHEC benefitted from Rhonda’s five years on the Board in the early 1990s as she held officer roles of Secretary and President and was the coordinator of the queen contest. Her most significant contribution was transitioning the organization, formerly “Pagosa Springs Enterprises”, to official IRS non-profit status. Rhonda said her time on the rodeo committee could be time consuming but was the most rewarding when seeing projects completed, especially hand painting the large metal pipe arena!

Their sons, Chad and Dillon, participated in rodeo events and were members of High School Rodeo Teams. Jason and Rhonda have dedicated their lives to the ranching

way of life and had just celebrated 44 years of marriage before Jason’s passing. He left a legacy of the western way of life for Chad and Holly, Dillon and Amy and their five grandchildren, Hayden, Connor, Slone, Ronan and Slate, which Rhonda will continue to instill in them for generations to come. Rhonda resides in Nacogdoches, Texas.


The 74th annual Red Ryder Roundup® Rodeo committee and the Board of the WHEC would like to honor our very good friend Rhonda Ward for her significant contribution to WHEC, helping to preserve and advance the organization, and for her outstanding contribution to the western culture of this community.



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